Public Statement

Published on Thursday, 1 August 2024 at 5:03:50 PM

Katherine Town Council has announced sanctions against Councillor Amanda Kingdon in response to breaches of the Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy.

The Code of Conduct Councillors agree to abide by includes the following behaviours:

  1. HONESTY AND INTEGRITY A member must act honestly and with integrity in performing official functions.
  2. CARE AND DILIGENCE A member must act with reasonable care and diligence in performing official functions.
  3. COURTESY A member must act with courtesy towards other members, council staff, electors and members of the public
  4. ACCOUNTABILITY A member must be prepared at all times to account for the member's performance as a member and the member's use of council resources.
  5. INTERESTS OF MUNICIPALITY, REGION OR SHIRE TO BE PARAMOUNT A member must act in what the member genuinely believes to be the best interests of the municipality, region or shire.

The sanctions recommended and adopted by Council are, over the next 12 months:

  1. That Councillor Amanda Kingdon removes social media page/s that state the title of Councillor and Katherine Town Council references.
  2. That Councillor Amanda Kingdon will not be supported to individually represent the Council at any functions, conferences, boards or public events.
  3. That Councillor Amanda Kingdon will be removed from her current responsibilities representing Council on committees.

The council's decision was not taken lightly, but the elected members must act in the best interests of allowing the Council to operate efficiently, effectively, and ethically.

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