
Recycling forms an important part of today’s society and is an item high on Council’s agenda. It can provide benefits to the economy, the environment and even your hip pocket. Working together we can all reduce the toxic and recyclable wastes we send to landfill and provide ongoing benefits to the community of Katherine.
The Katherine Waste Management Facility is involved with a number of recycling and product stewardship schemes:
- DrumMUSTER DrumMUSTER is the national program for the collection and recycling of empty, cleaned, non-returnable crop protection and animal health chemical containers. This program provides an easy, environmentally-friendly way of disposing of empty farming chemical containers across rural Australia through recycling the containers after inspection into new products like wheelie bins and irrigation pipes.
- Tyre Stewardship Australia This scheme promotes the development of viable markets for end-of-life tyres to increase the recycling and resource recovery of tyres and minimise environmental, health and safety impacts.
- Car batteries Car batteries contain sulfuric acid, lead and lead compounds, which are toxic to both human health and the environment. Car batteries can be re-conditioned or recycled into new products which saves energy and resources and removes lead form the environment.
- Scrap Metal Scrap metal is collected at the landfill and shipped to scrap metal recycling markets so it can be recycled.
- TechCollect (E-waste) TechCollect is a free national recycling service for computers, computer accessories and TVs (e-waste). Items recycled under this scheme include tablets, notebooks, computer monitors, computer cables, computer peripherals and accessories, printers, scanners and televisions.
- MobileMuster Any mobile phone and their batteries, chargers and accessories are accepted for recycling. Smart watches are also included in this scheme. Drop-off points are located at the Civic Centre and the Library and multiple other locations in Katherine. Alternatively, a free mailing label can be downloaded from their website or a reply-paid satchel can be picked up from Australia Post. For more information, visit their website.
Recycling in Katherine
There are other options to recycle from outside the waste management facility.
- MT Bins accept the following - scrap metal & containers for cash!