Advisory Committee Meetings

Membership in Advisory Committees are open to specific interest groups as well as the general community. Advisory Committees provide an opportunity for input from the community. All views are welcome and will be used to inform Council's decision-making process.

Administrative Review Committee

The Administrative Review Committee only meets upon receiving an application for review of a Reviewable Decision.

Established under Section 324 of the Local Government Act 2019, this committee is made up of Elected Members and advises Council on applications relating to reviewable decisions as defined in Section 322 of the Act.

Minutes and agendas from Administrative Review Committee Meetings, are of a confidential nature and not available for public viewing.

Terms of Reference - Administrative Review Committee

Register of Membership: Advisory Review Committee

Audit and Risk Management Committee  

This committee is made up of the Chairperson, Elected Members, senior Council staff, an independent body and the appointed Auditor for the Katherine Town Council. It was established under Section 86 of the Local Government Act 2019. 

The role of the Committee is to monitor:

  • Compliance by the Council with proper standards of financial management; and
  • Compliance by the Council with the regulations and the Accounting Standards.

Minutes and agendas from Audit and Risk Management Committee Meetings are of a confidential nature and not available for public viewing.

The Audit Committee meets as required.

Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter 2023

Register of Membership: Audit and Risk Management Committee

Showgrounds Advisory Committee

This committee contributes to the development of the Showgrounds and is an advisory committee to Council. Membership is free and is limited to regular users of the facility, the CEO of Katherine Town Council (or their appointed representative) and is chaired by a Councillor. Council staff provide administrative support to this committee.

Terms of Reference: Showgrounds and Multi-Purpose Advisory Committee

Membership of the Committee is by appointment by Council and for a period of two (2) years. The Advisory Committee members include:

  • One (1) each registered user community organisation representatives, one of whom is under the age of 25 years, and
  • Two (2) Councillors.

Register of Membership: Showgrounds and Multi-Purpose Advisory Committee

Dates for Showgrounds Advisory Committee Meetings are set annually. Dates are the first Tuesday of every second month.

Meeting dates:

  • 8 March 2023

  • 2 May 2023

  • 4 July 2023

  • 5 September 2023

  • 7 November 2023

Previous Agenda and Minutes

Sportsgrounds Advisory Committee

This committee contributes to the further development of the Sportsgrounds and is an advisory committee to Council. Membership is free and is limited to regular users of the facility, the CEO of Katherine Town Council (or their appointed representative) and is chaired by a Councillor nominated by Council. Council staff provide administrative support to the committee.

Terms of Reference: Showgrounds and Multi-Purpose Advisory Committee (includes sportsgrounds)

Membership of the Committee is by appointment by Council and for a period of two (2) years. The Advisory Committee members include:

  • One (1) each registered user community organisation representatives, one of whom is under the age of 25 years, and
  • Two (2) Councillors.

Register of Membership: Sportsground Advisory Committee

Dates for Sportsgrounds Advisory Committee Meetings are set annually and shown below. 

The meetings are scheduled for following dates (second Wednesday of the month, every two months):

  • 8 February 2023

  • 12 April 2023

  • 14 June 2023

  • 9 August 2023

  • 11 October 2023

  • 13 December 2023

Previous Agenda and Minutes

Centenary of Katherine 2026 Advisory Committee

The town of Katherine will celebrate its 100th year birthday on 1 July 2026. This will mark 100 years since the original declaration of the town. The committee will assist Council by providing guidance on infrastructure, events and funding opportunities which are complimentary to celebrations.

Terms of Reference: Centenary of Katherine 2026 Advisory Committee

Membership are appointed by Council, Includes all elected Councillors as ex-officio members, Two (2) prominent residents of the Katherine Municipality, The Council Director responsible for Community Events and Communications/Marketing, Two (2) prominent representatives from community organisations working with the community, Two (2) representatives from prominent and long-standing business in the region, a representative from the Northern Territory Government, and Two (2) representatives from local indigenous organisations.

 The committee is still seeking full membership. The chair will be appointed at the first meeting of the committee proposed to be held in July 2023. Council staff provide administrative support to the committee.

Membership Register: Centenary of Katherine 2026 Advisory Committee

Dates for Centenary of Katherine 2026 Advisory Committee Meetings are set annually. 

Meeting dates:

  • 5 February 2024
  • 13 May 2024
  • 12 August 2024
  • 4 November 2024

Previous Agenda and Minutes 

Greening Advisory Committee

The Katherine Town Council own and manage green spaces throughout the town of Katherine, including parks, gardens, and verges, that provide important community infrastructure in Katherine. 

Council approved the establishment of the Greening Advisory Committee at the Ordinary Meeting of Council 26 September 2023. This committee is to provide Council with strategic guidance and/or recommendations in relation to the development of an environmental sustainability strategy including tree-planting strategy, greening initiatives, and provide cool and shaded spaces.

Terms of Reference: Greening Advisory Committee

Membership of the committee is by appointment by Council, for a period of two (2) years and is chaired by a Councillor nominated by the Committee. Council staff provide administrative support to the committee. The Advisory Committee members comprise of:

  • Two (2) Councillors, there may also be an alternate Council Member, 
  • Up to two (2) community members, and  
  • Up to six (6) organisational memberships consisting of representation from: 
    • Northern Territory Arboriculture Association 
    • Jawoyn Aboriginal Corporation 
    • Territory Natural Resource Management  
    • Urban Development Institute of Australia (NT)  
    • Northern Territory Government
    • Australian Institute of Landscape Architects  

Membership Register: Greening Advisory Committee

Dates for Centenary of Katherine 2026 Advisory Committee Meetings are set annually. 

Meeting dates:

  • TBA

Previous Agenda and Minutes