Katherine Showgrounds
Council’s showgrounds are a multipurpose centre that offer the public a facility to hold events and sports. Council maintains the showgrounds throughout the year, except for the month of July, when the Katherine Show is on and the Katherine Show Society maintains it.
Other events held at the showgrounds include the Katherine Races, AFL games, rodeo, camp draft, polocrosse, scouts, Territory Day fireworks, and more.
The showgrounds provide an evacuation centre for communities in the region, such as those who see flooding after a cyclone. communities cyclone.
It also is a place for overflow camping in the dry season, when all the local campgrounds are full.
In recent years Council has installed a new toilet block, a ring road, relocated the rodeo arena and improved the camp draft arena and added new lighting to the arenas.
The showgrounds have an advisory committee, limited to regular users of the facility, that contributes to the development of the showgrounds and advises Council.