Katherine Town Council Attracts Funding for Changing Places Facility

Published on Tuesday, 9 July 2024 at 11:18:28 AM

The Katherine Town Council has secured Commonwealth Government funding to build a state-of-the-art Changing Places facility at the Katherine Aquatic Centre. The development will take place during the current Aquatic Centre redevelopment.

Changing Places facilities are specifically designed to cater to the needs of people with disabilities and their carers, offering amenities beyond standard accessible toilets. The new facility at the Katherine Aquatic Centre will include:

  • A height-adjustable adult-sized change table
  • A constant-charging ceiling track hoist system
  • A centrally located peninsula toilet
  • More circulation space than standard accessible toilets
  • An automatic door with a clear opening of at least 950mm
  • A privacy screen

Katherine Town Council Mayor Lis Clark said that the facility will allow individuals with high support needs to participate fully in community activities without worrying about the availability of suitable toilet facilities.

“The facility will not be restricted to Aquatic Centre users,” Mayor Clark said.

“Anyone who lives here or visits Katherine can access this facility, including tourists. This is a big step towards making Katherine more inclusive and accessible for everyone.”

Commonwealth funding covers 50% of the construction cost, with the Council paying the balance. The building will be designed according to the strict criteria set by the Changing Places accreditation, ensuring the highest standards of accessibility and functionality.

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