Council adopts 2024/2025 Municipal Plan and Budget

Published on Friday, 28 June 2024 at 9:25:12 AM

Council has adopted the 2024/25 Municipal Plan including budget, long-term financial plan, rates and fees and charges, at a Special Meeting of Council on Thursday 27 June 2024. The Municipal Plan and Budget aligned to the Katherine Town Council Strategic Plan 2027.

The Municipal Plan focuses on the delivery of a carefully planned mix of essential services, such as waste, road works and parks, the commencement of larger, complex infrastructure up grades as well as smaller township enhancement projects.

“It is a difficult process to balance community expectations, as well as being very mindful of the pressures being felt from Australia wide, increased cost of living” said CEO Ingrid Stonhill.

“However, I am extremely pleased that we have been able to keep residential rates to the level set in the previous Long-Term Financial Plan, despite rising business costs”.

Council has two major capital infrastructure upgrades commencing this year. The long overdue refurbishment of failing assets at the Aquatic Centre and Civic Centre, both over 40 years old and lacking asset management spend.

The Council will continue to lobby and apply for much needed additional grant funding, with particular focus on road safety upgrades and road works including signage and line markings.

The Council’s innovative web-based initiatives such as “Know Your Council”, “Your Say Katherine” and “Katherine Life” will continue to enhance community engagement through transparent decision making, and information sharing.

“The CEO and Council Staff have worked incredibly hard to deliver a comprehensive plan” said Mayor Lis Clark “we have more Council lead initiatives happening in our town than ever before. That is something I’m very proud of”.

You can find the Katherine Town Council Municipal Plan 2024/25 here

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