Katherine Town Council is once again hosting the Clean up Australia Day Snap Send Solve campaign!
The focus this year is keeping it local. We live in a beautiful part of a beautiful country, and want to keep it looking as flash as it can all year round.
Grab your family or some friends, rubbish bags and gloves, hats and sunscreen, and clean up your local patch.
This could be your street, your local park, or even the nature strip out the front of your house!
Come into the Katherine Town Council Civic Centre, the Visitor Information Centre, or the Katherine Town Library, to collect all the gear you need.
We have gloves, rubbish bags, hand sanitiser, and even a few spare bucket hats for those who get in early!
Once you've got your gear, you need to download the Snap Send Solve app onto your phone.
This app is super easy to use, and will notify council of where and when you've collected rubbish, and we can come pick it up for you.
Check out How to Snap Send Solve at this link: Snap Send Solve » Katherine Town Council
Finally, when you've done the hard work of picking up the rubbish, snapped it through to council, all that's left to do is come into the Civic Centre to collect your reward.
We have vouchers for cafes and businesses around town that will be all yours for helping keep our town beautiful.
If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a buzz on 08 8972 5500, or shoot us an email at events@ktc.nt.gov.au
Can't wait to Clean up Katherine!